
5 2019

“Systemic Racism: The United States and Nazi Race Law”

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Etz Hayim Synagogue 1 ½ Hood Road,
Derry, , NH 03038
603 432 0004

Contact Stephen Soreff, MD
603 895-6120

Thomas White, MA from the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies presents how did Hitler and the Nazis utilize American precedents, including the U.S. eugenics movement, to shape and formulate their own race laws. As racism, Nazism, the KKK, and the “alt-right” have emerged as significant societal factors, this lecture will explore American precedents and reactions to Nazi Germany then and now. In September 1933, Hitler ordered a memorandum from Prussia Ministry of the Interior directing German political and legal minds to wrestle with the self-imposed “Jewish Question.”

Sponsor: Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Continuing Education Program