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Feb 17, 2025
Presidents' Day

9 2025

Shavua Tov Story Time - Tu B'Shevat

8:30AM - 9:00AM  


A program designed for families with children ages 2-5

Join us for a 20-minute interactive story time on Zoom one Su…


13 2025

Tu B'Shvat is a Jewish holiday occurring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. It is also called Rosh HaShan…


17 2025

Inside Israel with Ra'anan

1:00PM - 2:30PM  

Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
273 South River Road, #5
Bedford, NH 03110

Join Former JFNH Shaliach Ra'anan de Haas to discuss news and hot topics in Israel 

Ra'anan will cover everything f…